Cover Art: Below us, Jake Huang
As fall approaches, summer lingers like a guest turning back on your doorstep, not quite ready to let your time together end. Summer smiles and offers one last story, one last laugh together, one last moment before saying her goodbye. She is the taste of watermelon clinging to your lips before you take a sip of water, the child giving your hand one last squeeze before letting go on their first day of school.
Like summer, the poetry, prose, and art in this issue will linger with you, not ready to leave your thoughts long after you've finished taking in the words. They seesaw between summer and fall, between mother and child, between love and loss. Read more...
Volume 10, Issue 1, August 2024
Editor's Note
salmon season, Logan Foster
what it is like to be six in summertime, Anna Han
Feathers, Lisa Loop
First Day, Alicia Rebecca Myers
I Want a Red Bra, Charlene Pierce
My mother sighed, women pay, Ivy Raff
Ferns, Ahrend Torrey
Notice of Violation, A.C. Langlois
Farewell to Halki, Sherri Moshman-Paganos
Paper Airplanes, Zach Keali’i Murphy
Creative Nonfiction
Building a Home, Angela Abbott
The Day the Circus Came to Town, Paul Grussendorf
Talisman, Margaret Lynch
My Cat's Family Tree, Kira Rosemarie
Calling a Grave a Grave, Olivia Wieland
Below us, Jake Huang
Breaking Fever, Janina Karpinska
Have Book - Will Travel, Lauren McGovern
Walking Haikus, Marsha Solomon
Deaar (Window), Sabahat Ali Wani