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​We can't wait to see your masterpiece!

We're  looking for writing and art that is unexpected, striking, and moving.


We will re-open to submissions in late 2024 for our 2025 issues.

We accept submissions of:

Art + Photography: Up to 5 works of art in one submission
Poetry: Up to 3 poems one submission

Flash Fiction: Up to 2 flash fiction stories 1,000 words or less each in one submission

Creative Nonfiction/Personal Essay: 1 essay 1,500 words or less


A few notes:

  • Submissions are fee-free and accepted through Submittable.

  • Please submit works not previously published elsewhere (your personal website/blog/social media does NOT count).

  • We accept and encourage simultaneous submissions, but if your work is accepted elsewhere, please withdraw your submission via Submittable.

  • We currently do NOT accept regular submissions from creators under 18. 

  • Submitting does not guaranty publication.

  • We do not publish AI-generated art or writing.

Author Agreement


 By submitting your work(s), you agree:

  • The work(s) submitted to 805 is original, of your composition, and as of this date unpublished (we do not count publication on your personal website or personal social media).

  • The work(s) submitted is not AI-generated (if you used AI to check spelling or grammar, that is ok.)

  • You give 805 permission to publish your work on our website, social media, and archive and acknowledge the work will remain indefinitely on 805’s website, social media, and archive unless you request removal.

  • You give 805 permission to use the work and your name in promotional materials including but not limited to print and digital adds, bookmarks, posters, flyers, business cards, and email blasts.

  • You acknowledge 805 does not monetarily compensate contributors for work in this category.

  • You agree to any and all editorial alterations and abridgments including, but not limited to, re-formatting, grammatical corrections, and cropping. Editors will ask you for permission to make changes beyond minor corrections.

  • You give permission for 805 to nominate your work to literary and arts awards/prizes/anthologies and acknowledge that possible nominations may result in your work being published by awards committees and organizations and subject to their publication requirements, which are not established within this agreement.

  • If your work is published elsewhere after publication in 805, you will cite 805 as the first publisher. All rights are retained by you, the creator.

  • You will be signed up to receive future issues of 805 via email and occasional news. We email subscribers once a month or less, and you may opt out at any time.

  • Submitting does not guaranty publication. 

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