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805 Volume 3, Issue 4

Read here. During dark times, we must celebrate the light. We must cheer that much harder for births and birthdays, for promotions and retirements. In the summer we must exalt the longer days, even if each one brings another day of hardship, sacrifice, and struggle. We must wave each small, happy moment like a child waves a sparkler at the looming shadows in the night.

In this issue, our characters wrestle with the cold darkness of death and grief, abuse and sickness, yet they still find bright sparks of warmth from within themselves. And as we read about these struggles, we editors and readers set off bottle rockets and roman candles for 16 more debut and emerging creators.


Emma Campbell, Bookends     
Kennedy Harrison, War Paint      
M.W. de Jesus, Hired Help     
D.H. Kelly, Absolute Value       
Lucy Marcus, Sophie           



Anna Jurek, We Mourn        
Lee-Ann Liles, The Golden Rope     



Hiraa Kazmi, Years         
Jamal Michel, 170 Degrees      
Emily Tuttle, Virginia Woolf      
Kirby Wright, September City       




Cover:  Rebecka Skog, Sunset

Vasiliki Argyris, Obsessive   
Michelle Davidson, Barriers       
Roger Leege, New Management    
Rebecka Skog, Gravity               
Jim Zola, Beached       
         Self-Portrait with Butterflies 

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