Lily Kehres
Love is an obstacle
An intricate lie—
A tether, a rope,
A chain that we climb
It can hold us down low,
Weigh down our minds—
Or it can lift us up high
So new peace we may find.
Sometimes it’s instant,
But it can creep up inside
You don’t realize it’s there
Till you break and you cry.
Oftentimes we hear heartache,
The pain that resides
When love is unfinished
Felt on only one side.
I’ve been told that’s why one
Must use themself as a guide
Love themself first
So they have strength left to fight.
Fight one’s own demons
Of pain, hurt, and plight
Or, if you’re lucky,
To fight alongside your “right.”
But how, my dear muse,
Can I find my own light
My own “happy” and goals
While you’re trapped in my mind?
To live is to love,
So for you I will fight
And though I’m not “finished,”
You aren’t a choice I can hide.
‘Stead I’ll love from afar
‘Till with myself I’m alright
Perhaps one day later,
Together we’ll climb.
Lily Kehres is 16 years old and attends Lakewood Ranch High School.