We’re proud to announce our nominations for the Best of the Net Anthology. Good luck to this amazing group of talented writers and artists!

Naj’wa (Say in a Whisper), by Menat Allah El Attma
Iron Tides Heavy on Our Tongues, by Bisola Sosan
When Was The Last Time We Shared a Meal, by Robin Gow
Dust on My Feet, by Jaime Balboa
Making a Home, by Angelita Hampton
(im)personal tragedies, by Nimruz De Castro
tension, by Kolbe Riney
pearls, by Elisheva Fox
Crossroad, by Helena Rho
Molasses Men Dance Wildly Under Flamingo Suns, Stephen Foster Smith
Searching for a Leader, by Malaika Favorite
Mosaic I, by Josh Stein
Burst, by Bianca Rivetti Burattini